Monday, November 1, 2010

What's Next?

Well, I officially finished the Big Pumpkin Run. I didn't run the whole thing, but that is my own fault. I was not prepared when it came down to it. So...what's next? Well, I'm not exactly sure. I know that I have some friends out there that are down to run again ;) so that is definitely an option! And truth be told, I'm a little perturbed that I didn't run all 3.1 miles, so I don't feel like I can really cross that off the bucket list. And I think I would really like the BPR to be an yearly thing anyway, so I should just prepare prepare prepare and get my tukus in gear!! So, when I get my "new goal" finalized, I'll let you know!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Ok, I don't have a whole heck of a lot to say, but I was doing some thinking today, and this is what came of it.
I LOVE fall, so I'm super stoked (yeah...I said stoked) that today is September 1st. So here are a few things I'm counting down for:
3 Days until UGA's football season starts (GO DAWGS!!)
21 Days until the first day of fall
30 Days until I move into my apartment
59 Days until I run in the Big Pumkin Run
60 Days until Halloween (I can't wait to see Caleb's costume)
94 Days until Thanksgiving (YUMMY!!)
101 Days until I turn 34 (YIKES!)
124 Days until Christmas (YIKES again!)
131 Days until 2011

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hissy fit over - back on track

So, last week I thought I would just see what I could do...non program related. Well, that was a huge mistake, because I was not happy with the results. As it turns out, you can't do three weeks of a nine week couch to 5K running program and run 3 miles. For whatever reason, I was surprised and extremely disappointed in this fact. So, I pitched a little hissy fit and stopped the program for the week. That's right - I took the whole week off.

Now, since I have told everyone and their mother that I'm running this little (HA!) 5K, I have accountability partners around every corner. And my coworker, fellow runner, and friend is making me run this week. Out.side.

I'm sorry, what? Yeah...outside. Does she know how hot it is? Does she know I took a week off? Does she know that I'm going to melt? I mean, doesn't sugar melt in the heat? I know it at least caramelizes!! Come on!!

Yeah, well there is no changing her mind, and if I'm going to be truthful, I know it's best. So, with much despair, I go into the world this evening to die. Ok, maybe just get my butt kicked. Stay tuned for the results or the funeral info (lol!)

Friday, August 13, 2010

It's official...

Well, it is finally official...I just registered for the Big Pumpkin Run! I'm so excited! Thanks so much for all of you for your support! Let me know when you all register - I'm compiling a list to post later because I have had many people say they are going to do it!

Also, I'm still going to look into shirts for us - any ideas for designs?

Thursday, August 12, 2010 soon?

Ok, everybody. I think I have hit a plateau. I'm hoping it's just a rough patch on the hill and not an actual plateau. I have been in a funk the past couple of days and just need to break out of it. I am not exactly sure what the issue is, but I am going to take a few steps to see if I can climb out. So, if I see you, and I'm not exactly cordial, don't be offended - it's not personal. The old "it's not you, it's me" routine.

Thanks for all the recent support - it really is helping!!


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Still going

Hey, folks! Well, not much to say today...

I've gotten through the first week of training for the 5K and I'm still alive! The momentum is growing and several people are planning to run with me (or in front of me, or around me, or waaaay in front of me!)

It is not too late to join or start training! Go to to get info and let me know if you're coming!

Hey, who's up for matching tee-shirts? Any connections with that?

Friday, July 30, 2010

Why am I doing this?

Hey, everyone! I don't really have anything super interesting to post today...I mean ya know the self makeover front is a slow proccess. So, I decided to post that mission statement I told you all about earlier (minus the before pictures - your welcome!).

I’m not going to go into a long drawn out story of how I got where I am…it’s just not interesting if I’m being honest. Just really a bunch of whining and I just don’t have time for that anymore.
I will, however, tell you where I am and why I’m doing this. I’m 33 (on the downward slope to 34) and I’m FAT! Did you hear me? F*A*T – FAT! And, basically, I’m sick of it. In fact, here is a list of some of the things I’m sick of in regards to my weight (BTW, I’m a list maker):

not finding anything in my closet that fits

not finding anything cute in the stores that are cute (and on sale, but that’s another story)

wearing cardigans in the summer because I WILL NOT show my arms in a tank top (that’s for your benefit…your welcome)

seeing something cute in a catalog and thinking "maybe next year I could fit into that"

seeing something cute in a store window and thinking "I doubt they have my size"

feeling my underwear roll down when I sit because the fat roll is too big (nice visual, huh?)

standing in the heat and feeling the sweat collecting between my fat rolls

feeling like everyone is looking at me thinking "OH MY! I hope I NEVER get THAT fat!"

feeling like guys look at me and think "YIKES! RUN BEFORE SHE SEES YOU!" (of course, any guy that says "yikes" should know I’m not interested)

Ok, so that is just a few…I’m sure if I took enough time, I could think of some more, but you get the idea.
Does this make me shallow? Yeah, but I’m cool with that. I mean, it’s not like I won’t get actual benefits from loosing weight. You know, like lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, less chance of heart disease, yada yada yada…

So, I guess I can say that my goal is to just not feel like I can't do something or have something just because of my lack of self confidence or my weight.

Ok, so that's it. Have a great day!


Thursday, July 29, 2010


I have an older brother that is a "gadget guy" - you know the guys that just like to have lots of gadgets for the heck of it. Well, I think it rubbed off on me growing up, because I LOVE to play with the electronic displays in stores! And, earlier this year I got a fancy iPod Touch and of course downloaded tons of apps on it just for the sake of having them - I am so thankful for free apps!!

Well, anyway, I downloaded this one app that is a "Couch to 5K" training program.'s been on there for like 6 months. Well, yesturday I decided it was time to utilize it! And it's actually not so bad.

I added my music to the app and it just goes. It tells you what to do (Run now, walk now) and 30 minutes later, I have gone 2 miles and I'm sweating like a mad woman!!! It's wonderful!

So, I decided that my first goal on this new makeover of sorts is to run a 5K! So, I'm planning on running in the Big Pumpkin Run on Oct. 30th. It's in Roswell and starts at 8:30 am if you care to join me. As soon as I figure out how to add a web link to this thing, I'll add one to the registration page, but for now, you can Google it or Bing it. Whatever you prefer!

OH, and back to the gadgets thing...I ordered my very own piece of fruit (that's for you, Mary!) and I can not wait for it to get here!!

I'll keep you posted!


Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Ok, so if you haven't noticed by now, let me clue you in...

I'm a "start-something-new-and-don't-finish-it" kind of girl. I'm not sure why I do that, but I always have, and I suspect that on some things I always will be that way. HOWEVER, I have gotten better at saying no to things that I know for sure just are NOT going to get done. I mean this blog is called Grace Along the Way for a reason (I'm not oblivious). So, having said that, I'm going to reveal my newest project. Drum role, please...


What? Is that it? Seriously? YES! That's right! I am my own new project. It's actually quite scary if you think about it. Basically, I'm stuck in a rut and NEED to get out. Now, don't freak out...this is not a cry for help. Scouts honor (and that's for realzies). So, I have shacked up (so to speak) with a couple of other friends that have decided to make themselves their own next projects as well, and we are getting out of this funk!

I mean it's for serious! We have mission statements; "before" pictures have been taken; meals plans are posted daily; exercise plans are created and to be carried out and posted on! I mean FOR SERIOUS, PEOPLE!!!

So, if you see me, I'm gonna need encouragement! (By the way - THIS is the cry for help part! LOL!) And, I would never normally request this, but LIE to me if you have to!! "Oh wow, Kristy! You look!" Look, even if it's not true, it will keep me going...yes, I'm that shallow.

Just remember, this is step one - appearance. I'm not sure what step two will be, but if I plan too much, it won't happen.

Thanks, everyone for letting me vent! See you soon!

Monday, May 31, 2010

UGA Alumni...

Ok, Everyone! It's finally here....The BIG graduation post!
First of all, let me just say that I would like to post about 6 or 7 more pictures and movies, but a) I don't want to bore you all to death and b) this stupid computer is too slow and I can't deal with it. we go...
A special thanks to my sweet friends and family for all their love and support!
I had quite the cheering section:
The Garvin/LaQuaglia Family (Ken, Patty, Barbara, and Laura)
My Aunt Melissa
My Nephew Caleb
And (of course) my proud Parents
Not everyone is pictured because I just couldn't handle the slowness, but you know who you are and THANKS!!

The ceremony began with the graduates walking from the stands to the field. It took about 30 minutes for us all to walk down. And my cheering section said they actually saw me walk in (which is pretty amazing given the amount of people graduating).

Once we were all seated, President Adams spoke and introduced everyone that was going to speak. Two main things to note:
1. Alton Brown was our keynote speaker. He is a UGA alumni and is the host of Good Eats on the Food Network. Pretty Cool!
2. Notice the large medallion Dr. Adams is wearing. The guy sitting next to me yelled out really loud "COOL MEDALLION!" It got a pretty big laugh in our area.

And this graduation ceremony was very special for another reason. It seems that this year (2010) is 225th anniversary of the charter of the school. (1785 - 2010 Yes, that makes UGA the oldest public chartered university in the nation!) So, as a celebration, they did something they don't normally do. First, they had part of the band playing live (which they don't normally do, apparently) AND...they had a big fireworks finale! It was very special to be a part of such an important ceremony not only because I finally graduated from college, but because it was such a special time for the university. And I am so proud to be a DAWG!!
Thanks, again, to everyone for your love and support. Some of you could not make it, but I know you are just as proud of me anyway!
I love you guys!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

What had happened was....

Ok - yet again I have failed you all!
And for that I am sorry.
Please understand that I did TRY to post on graduation, but apparently my laptop went on vacation without telling me, and as a result, we are not currently speaking to each other.
It's having some issues with photo uploading and connectivity. So I AM working on it. That I can give you my word on.
I am going to take a little break this weekend and spend some time with an old and some new friends, then I will a) be rejuvenated to deal with my laptop and b) have something else to blog about (BONUS)!!
Thank you for your understanding!

Friday, April 16, 2010

You're Fired!!!

OK, so basically I'm wait......REALLY bad at keeping up with this blogging thing. As a matter of fact, if you are even reading this, you may think you are dreaming. Or, the shock and awe may cause you to go into cardiac arrest.
Please don't are not dreaming (and if you are in cardiac arrest, stop reading this and dial 911).
I have been busy to say the least. Now, that is no excuse because most of the people that read this ( all two of you) are mothers with jobs and households to run. I get it.....but I'm willing to embrace it....I'm just not disciplined enough.
BUT....I make you this promise. Well, maybe it should be more of a contract. My next post will be my graduation which is May 8th. I will force myself to take pictures and I will post on it within 48 hours of it's occurrence.
Thanks for hanging in there with me!!
See you soon...