Sunday, January 25, 2009

A good idea for a laugh!

Between my sister-in-law's adorable blog and now this one, my poor niece and nephew don't have chance! But, I have been encouraged to share this funny story about our funny girl!

So one morning, after the kids had spent the night, I was in my pj's, cooking breakfast in the kitchen. My parents were mulling around the house, and Caleb was working on a project at the kitchen table. Lily was off finding something to do - which is not abnormal for her.

All of a sudden, I hear a curious little voice ask, "What's this big 'ole thing?"

When I turned around, I almost died! I started laughing so hard! My parents come rushing in - "WHAT HAPPENED!!" Caleb started laughing, although I don't think he really knew what he was laughing at!

There was sweet little Lily with her arm straight all the way to her fingers. Draped over her hand, was my bra! She had it so that her hand was right in the middle, with one cup on each side of her little hand. (It looked like she had a giant ball with her hand right inside of it!)

Thankfully, she also started laughing! I was able to catch my breath and explain to her what she had discovered, and we all had a huge laugh together!

Lily, I love you so much, and pray that you never loose your curious nature and wonderful sense of humor!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE it!!! Thanks for sharing!! ;) I might cut and paste this to my blog if you don't mind....of course, I'll give you the credit! ;) Love you!
