Sunday, August 30, 2009

Oh, Edward!

Yeah, it's officially an obsession. But I am not alone. Thankfully, all my girls at work are obsessed with it too. And some of my friends (some of you reading this now perhaps). If you have not read the Twilight Saga, I suggest that you do. It is by far my favorite book series to date, and the books are MUCH better than the movie (and future movies, I'm sure). I am willing to let you borrow mine - maybe. Even if it's just to get them out of my house so I can do other things. You see, when you begin reading these books by Stephanie Meyer, you become consumed in all things Twilight. You stay up all night reading, you don't do ANYTHING else. You can't. You get sucked in. All of your thoughts will be centered around Edward and Bella and.... (I don't want to give away too much).

How can I prove to you the obsession? How can I make it real to you? How about a picture from a recent party I attended. That's right, people. I went to a party for no reason EXCEPT to celebrate the story of Twilight. Everything was themed - the food, the music, the attire, the games.

That's what you think it is. A "pin-the-lips-on-Edward" game. Now, it was home made - just a simple poster and lip cut outs, but I participated. Not only did I participate, but I WON! Well, actually, I came in second only to the hostess, but she would not take the prize, so she pulled herself out of the running.

So, in conclusion, I beg you to read this wonderful series, however, I do warn you: STAY GROUNDED.

*This post is in no way meant to be mean towards anyone obsessed with the series. I am, in fact, probably more obsessed than anyone I know. This is only meant to be in fun and slightly melodramatic! :o)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Going green...

Ok, so I've never been a big health nut, but as many of you know, I've started bootcamp at the gym. Needless to say bootcamp is a great way to describe it. I should be fit enough to join the Army when I'm done (those of you doing it with will agree!!)
Well, a while ago (maybe a few months) I read a book that kind of scared the meat out of me ~ I've been considering becoming a vegatarian as a result.
Of course, thinking and doing are two very different things, so I have come to a good compromise for now. I've decided to go organic instead. That way I can still enjoy mac-n-cheese (you know, the important essentials!).
So if you see or find any organic vegetarian info that you think I might need, please feel free to pass it along.
Thanks to everyone for your support.
PS: If you want to read the book it's called Skinny *itch. (yes, it is what you think), and I'll let you borrow my copy if you are interested. But please note - it is not for children.
PPS: I promise to keep shaving and taking showers!! LOL!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Better late then never....At least I say so...

Hi, Everyone!! I would just like to wish a VERY BELATED Happy Birthday to my friend Colleen. She is such a sweet and joyous person to work with and an encouraging fellow bootcamper...

She's gonna kill me for posting her as the Birthday Princess, but she knows I love her!!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 about that!!

Hey, Everyone! I have to send out a HUGE apology to all of you. It turns out that I'm not so good at the consistant blogging thing. But thanks to a nudge from my loving sis-in-law (who is also a great encourager), I am AT LEAST going to give you a hint at what has happened over the last last month that I will be blogging about soon...

WAFFLES (LOTS of waffles)
GOING ORGANIC (well, sort of)
and my new favorite philosophy "FORGET CHICKEN...YOU NEED GOD!!"

Anyway, thanks to all my followers that have hung in there with me even though I have abandoned you!!

Love you all!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Beautiful (but COLD) day...

Sunday was such a beautiful day!! Shad, Mary, Caleb, and Lily came over for lunch then the kids stuck around for a little while for Shad and Mary to get some things done. It was so nice out...
Not a cloud in the sky!! But it was FREEZING outside!!! So what do you do when it's so cold? You bundle up and break out the blankets!! Lily and I stayed warm under our purple blanket while Caleb played basketball...
Then we all got under and made silly face pictures...

I think Caleb wins the funniest face prize! That has to hurt his eyes!!

I had a great day with them!
Thanks, guys, for a great day!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

It's a biggie...

So, as promised, I am posting the new Bible study Sarah and I have chosen. Based on the size of the book, it doesn't look too daunting, but...

Uuumm..Yeah - it's a 36 weeker! Yes, you do see correctly - Genesis through Deuteronomy!!!! That's five books, people! They range in 27 to 50 chapters EACH!! I don't want it to sound like I'm complaining, so I'm going to stop there!

I keep telling myself "the belly of a whale, Kristy! Don't forget the belly of the whale!"

Please keep Sarah and I in your prayers! We are going to need perseverance!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Exercise....Papa Style!

Ok, I think my dad may need some education on how this whole exercise thing is supposed to work. I mean, I'm no professional, but I think he's got it all wrong. Unless, of course, he's just trying to "maintain"....

Great job, Papa! No pain, No gain! Keep up the good work! It's comforting to know we all have someone to look to as a shining example!! ;-) We love you!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

A new start....

Hi, Everyone!

Well, Sarah and I have finished our first book Bible study. It has been eye opening, and such a blessing to actually learn to study the wonderful Word of God!

We are going to pick out a new book today, so when we do, I will post a picture of it (I finally got a digital camera) and let you know how it is going.

If anyone is interested in joining us, PLEASE feel free to contact one of us! We'd LOVE to have you. We get together on Saturday or Sunday (depending on which is better each week), and discuss what we have learned over the week. Oh, and we pray together and for each other.

It has been a great way to grow in the Lord and fortify an already fun relationship.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Help Me Fight Multiple Sclerosis!

Hi, Everyone!

I don't plan on making it a habbit to use this blog as a way to solicite money from everyone, but I would like to ask you to help me raise money for a cause that is important to me. I am choosing to raise money this year for the MS Society by walking in the 2009 MS Walk in Marietta.

For those of you that do not know, I have an uncle (Mike) that has had MS for many years, and one of his daughters was diagnosed several years ago. I have met so many people that have family members or friends with MS, and I think we can all agree that a cure would be a miracle and a blessing. Please click here to help me by joining my team (Mike's Mile Marchers) and choosing to walk with me, or by donating money to the cause.

The walk is April 18th (Saturday). I'm not 100% sure of the time, but I know it is in the morning (I think we are usually done between noon and 1PM).

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It's hard to believe, but...

This is a big 'ole thank you to my great friend Sarah J. She and I have been working on a Bible study together over the past three weeks. It's a Bible study about how to study the Bible. We figured that would be the best place to start - we're quick like that ;-)

Anyway, this week we are reading in Jonah - chapters one and two. For many years I have heard the story of Jonah and the whale, and have seen the cartoons and movies about being inside a the belly of a whale (Finding Nemo and I think Pinocchio), but I'm sure I've never really thought about that actually happening to a real person.

Now, having said that, you have to understand that I believe the Bible to be 100% true, and I specifically want to focus on Jonah 2:10 - this is where the action is. The Bible says, "And the Lord commanded the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land."

Uuummmmm...eeeewww! Can you imagine? Vomited? Yikes!

She and I had a good laugh over the times we have been (theoretically, of course) "vomited" from the belly of the great fish! And how you inevitably go through those sort of things when you choose to avoid the grace that God has given (Jonah 2:8).

So, I'd like to thank her for not running from God when He laid it on her heart to start a Bible study!! Thank you, sister! I love you!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

I can explain...

Well, I have fallen in love with this new project and have been telling everyone I see to check it out! When I tell them the address (pink-bowed-skulls...) I get one of those "well, that's morbid!" looks!

So, I realize that some of you may not know of my deep dark secret! Some of you may not realize that under this sweet, quite demeanor, lurks a dark and dangerous creature (OK that's a little much, but I do secretly want to be a big bad rebel - I just don't like getting in trouble;-) )

OK, prepare yourselves...

Are you ready?!!

Here it is:
That's right, folks! I have a tattoo! A skull and crossbones tattoo to be exact! A pink skull and crossbones tattoo - complete with a pink bow! (I wanted it to be girly!)

So anyway, that explains the URL address of my super fun little blog! Thanks to my cousins (Jessica, Jessie, and Angie) for giving me the courage (or at least the peer pressure) to get my quirky little tat! I don't have any regrets, and actually look forward to the next one.....maybe.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

A good idea for a laugh!

Between my sister-in-law's adorable blog and now this one, my poor niece and nephew don't have chance! But, I have been encouraged to share this funny story about our funny girl!

So one morning, after the kids had spent the night, I was in my pj's, cooking breakfast in the kitchen. My parents were mulling around the house, and Caleb was working on a project at the kitchen table. Lily was off finding something to do - which is not abnormal for her.

All of a sudden, I hear a curious little voice ask, "What's this big 'ole thing?"

When I turned around, I almost died! I started laughing so hard! My parents come rushing in - "WHAT HAPPENED!!" Caleb started laughing, although I don't think he really knew what he was laughing at!

There was sweet little Lily with her arm straight all the way to her fingers. Draped over her hand, was my bra! She had it so that her hand was right in the middle, with one cup on each side of her little hand. (It looked like she had a giant ball with her hand right inside of it!)

Thankfully, she also started laughing! I was able to catch my breath and explain to her what she had discovered, and we all had a huge laugh together!

Lily, I love you so much, and pray that you never loose your curious nature and wonderful sense of humor!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

This might be a mistake...

Ok, so it's official: I have been sucked in to this blog thing!!

First of all, thank you for taking the time to read my blog. It means so much to me that you have chosen to be interested in anything I would have to talk about :-D

Since most of you are probably people I know or I have at least met, I won't go too much into my life background, but here are some basics (just in case):

I'm 32, single, no kids, and live at home with my parents. Those are litterally the four reasons I have avioded this up until now - what am I going to blog about?! I have a full time job that I like, but would not consider a career, and will be heading back to school soon. I love my family and friends more than anything, and (as most of you know) would do anything I can possibly do for any of them! I have a spoiled rotten cat that I brought home as a stray kitten - she's "so ugly she's cute" (as most have discribed her), but I think she's beautiful. Oh, yeah - I almost forgot - the most important thing: I am unapologetically a child of GOD!

That leads me to what I REALLY want to say...As my first official blog, I think I should let all of you know why, exactly, I am choosing to even attempt this potentially catostrophic activity. Generally, I don't consider myself to be an openly talkative person. I like my privacy and really only share my true thoughts with people I'm really close to. But, I really feel like the Lord has been moving in my life so much recently, and as a result, I feel He is calling me to just "let it out!!"

That is how I got the title "Grace Along the Way." Because I'm gonna need it!!!!

I was in my car about a week ago and this song came on - Your Grace is Enough. (I think that is the title) Anyway, it was like a God moment! His Grace really is enough! I don't have to keep torturing myself on Earth over my weight, my bad relationships, my bad choices...etc.

I asked Jesus Christ in to my heart in the eight grade. I finally GAVE Him my life and ACCEPTED His Grace like a month ago. Ok, so I'm little behind, but better late than never, right?!

So, in closing, let me just say again thanks for reading! And I pray that you enjoy this ride with me!