Friday, April 16, 2010

You're Fired!!!

OK, so basically I'm wait......REALLY bad at keeping up with this blogging thing. As a matter of fact, if you are even reading this, you may think you are dreaming. Or, the shock and awe may cause you to go into cardiac arrest.
Please don't are not dreaming (and if you are in cardiac arrest, stop reading this and dial 911).
I have been busy to say the least. Now, that is no excuse because most of the people that read this ( all two of you) are mothers with jobs and households to run. I get it.....but I'm willing to embrace it....I'm just not disciplined enough.
BUT....I make you this promise. Well, maybe it should be more of a contract. My next post will be my graduation which is May 8th. I will force myself to take pictures and I will post on it within 48 hours of it's occurrence.
Thanks for hanging in there with me!!
See you soon...